This page is displayed when you select the Hot Key tab on the Options window. You can use this page to set up a "hot key" to start or activate AB Commander. This page contains the following areas:

Create a "hot key" to start AB Commander:

If checked, this option causes AB Commander to set up a hot key.

Use the WINDOWS+E key combination

If selected, this option lets you instruct Windows to run AB Commander instead of Windows Explorer when you press the WINDOWS+E key combination.

Prompt to choose between AB Commander and Windows Explorer

If selected, this option lets choose between AB Commander and Windows Explorer, when you press the WINDOWS+E key combination.

Use the following key combination:

If selected, this option lets you choose a different key combination to run AB Commander. The WINDOWS+E key combination would still be available to run Windows Explorer.

Use the CTRL+WINDOWS keys to...

If selected, this option enables you to use the CTRL+WINDOWS key combination to quickly exit, minimize, or iconize AB Commander.

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