The Tools menu of AB Commander offers the following commands:

Quick Edit

Opens the selected file with the preferred or the alternative Quick Editor.

Quick View

Opens the selected file with the preferred or the alternative Quick Viewer.

Quick Find

Starts the preferred or the alternative Quick Finder application.

Compare Files

Starts the preferred or the alternative file comparer.

Compare Folders

Starts the preferred or the alternative folder comparer.


Starts the preferred or the alternative synchronizer.

Find files

Opens the Find Files window.

New Folder

Opens the New Folder window.

New Junction Point

Opens the New Junction Point window.

Enable Zip folders

Turns the Zip folders feature of Windows off or on. When the Zip folders are off, Windows treats the Zip files as regular files and does not open them as if they were folders. You may want to disable the Zip folders if you use a separate program for opening the Zip files (such as BitZipper ). Note that this command has no effect on Windows 7, because the security features of Windows 7 prevent other programs from modifying the system settings such as Zip folders.

Command prompt window

Opens the Command prompt window. If you use Windows Vista, you can press CTRL and SHIFT keys while choosing this command to open the elevated command prompt window.

Restart as Administrator/as Standard User

If you use Windows Vista or a later version of Windows with User Account Control (UAC) enabled, you can use this command to restart AB Commander elevated (with the administrator rights) or restricted (with the standard user rights). This command is not available if you run Windows XP or an earlier version of Windows.

Refresh AB Commander

Reverts all settings of AB Commander to their default values. This command produces virtually the same effect as uninstalling AB Commander while choosing to erase its settings, and then installing it back. Note that this command does NOT change the license registration for AB Commander.

Windows tools

A collection of links to quickly navigate to some tools provided by Windows, such as:

File Explorer Options

Opens the File Explorer Options window. This command has the same effect as the File Explorer Options command of Windows Settings.

Map Network drive

Opens the Map Network drive window.

Disconnect Network drive

Opens the Disconnect Network drive window.

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