Encryptability vs Folder Guard: which one to choose?

Attack-proof encrypted containers
Encryptability protects your data by creating encrypted containers. When you move a file into such a container, it is encrypted with the AES algorithm, giving it the strongest protection known at this time. When you enter the password to unlock the container, it appears as a Virtual Encrypted Disk, with its own drive letter. When a program needs to open a file stored in the container, the file is decrypted on the fly.
Read more about Encryptability...
Folder Guard

Access control without encryption
Folder Guard restricts access to folders and files dynamically, without encrypting them. When a program attempts to open a file or a folder, Folder Guard intercepts the request and checks whether the request is allowed according to the rules set by the administrator. If necessary, it asks the user to enter the correct password before allowing the request to open the folder to go through.
Read more about Folder Guard...
Which security software is right for you?
Absolute protection of data
If you require your files to be available only to you no matter what, then only the strong encryption provides such protection, so the choice is clear: Encryptability. There currently is no usable method of breaking the AES encryption (and no one anticipates that such a method could be developed any time soon.) With Folder Guard, on the other hand, the files are protected only on your computer, where Folder Guard is installed and enabled. If someone has a physical access to your computer and has sufficient expertise, they could remove the hard drive or disable Folder Guard software and bypass the restrictions. In contrast, removing the hard drive protected with Encryptability or disabling the Encryptability software does NOT remove the protection of the files. The only way to access the encrypted files is by providing the correct password, period.
Instant password protection
If you need quick results and easy reconfiguration of the protection settings, then Folder Guard would be the tool of choice. With Folder Guard, you don't need to go through the lengthy process of creating and configuring an encrypted container. Just select the folder you want to password protect, specify the password, and it's protected instantly.
Password protection of individual folders
With Encryptability you create just one password to protect all files and folders you put into an encrypted container. (However, if you create several encrypted containers, each container can have its own password.) On the other hand, with Folder Guard you can assign a separate password to each folder, and you can even create several different passwords, with different access rights, assigned to the same folder. This way, if you want a user only to view the files but not modify them, you give such a user the "read-only" password. If you trust another user to not only view but also modify the files, you give that user the "full access" password.
Fine-tune the restrictions
Encryptability offers the "all or nothing" protection: after the correct password is provided, all encrypted files and folders within that container become available. Folder Guard, on the other hand, lets you fine-tune the protection settings based on many factors. You can allow only certain programs to access the protected files, while denying such access to others. Or, you can configure the restrictions differently for different user accounts. If you need such flexibility, choose Folder Guard.
Write-protected or full access
Both Encryptability and Folder Guard offer you an option to write-protect the files they control. You may find such an option useful when, for example, you want the files to be available for viewing or printing, but protected from accidental or intentional modification or destruction. The difference is, with Folder Guard it's you, the administrator, who creates the rules and Folder Guard enforces such rules on other users. With Encryptability, it's the end user (most probably you, but could be someone else who knows the password), who selects the option to write-protect the files and folders at the time when the password is entered to unlock the encrypted container.
Stop downloading programs from the Internet
If you want to add security to your files by preventing users from downloading and running programs from the Internet, then Folder Guard offers you a way to set up such restrictions. (Encryptability does not offer such a functionality.)
Prevent running programs from the external drives
Bad guys know that social engineering attacks are of the most sure ways to get behind the firewalls and security software. If you want to be rather safe than sorry, then you can use Folder Guard to stop running programs from the external drives. (Encryptability does not offer such a functionality.)
Prevent copying files to removable drives
One common way of stealing company files is by copying them to the removable drives (such as flash thumb drives). If you want to protect your files from that, you could use Folder Guard to set up the read-only access to the removable drives. This way, people would be able to read files from the external drives, but copying new files back to them would be restricted. (Encryptability does not offer such a functionality.)
So, which one to choose?
It's all up to you and your specific requirements. If you are not sure, you are welcome to download both Encryptability and Folder Guard and give them a try. They both come with a built-in license for a free use during the first 30 days. If you like one of them better, purchase a license online, and use Windows Settings to uninstall the one you don't want. (No hard feelings!)
Happy computing!
Encryptability User's Guide • Download • Purchase
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More information
- Encryptability vs Folder Guard: which one to choose?
- Personal vs Business license
- Limitations during the evaluation period
- What's new in the new version
- End User License Agreement (EULA)
- WinAbility Encryption Driver
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