The Protect menu of Folder Guard offers the following commands:

Manage - This PC or GPO

Use this command to specify whether you want to use Folder Guard to manage the protection settings that would apply to your computer, or to a Group Policy Object (GPO).

Resume/Pause Protection

Resumes or pauses the protection performed by Folder Guard. When the protection is paused, all files and folders become unprotected, as if Folder Guard was not present on the computer. Note that if you pause the protection, it may be resumed automatically next time you restart the computer, or when you log in or log out of Windows. If you don't want the protection to resume automatically, use the Deactivate and Exit command described below.

Pause for local accounts

Pauses or resumes the Folder Guard protection for the local accounts of the current computer while keeping the protection in effect for the network users acessing the resources of this computer over LAN. You may find this command useful in situations when you need to pause the protection of a network server for maintenance, while keeping it protected from the rest of the network.

Protect with Wizard

Starts the Wizard of Folder Guard that guides you through the steps to set up the protection of a folder or a file.

Apply changes

Use this command to make the changes to the protection settings to take effect. (The changes to the protection settings do not take effect immediately. They take effect only when you use the Resume Protection command, or, if the protection is already in effect, use the Apply changes command make the changes effective.)

Discard changes

If you've made changes to the protection settings that have not been applied yet, and you changed your mind about the changes, you can use this command to discard such changes. Note that if you have used the Resume Protection or Apply changes commands, such changes cannot be discarded: you must revert them manually.

Remove all passwords and restrictions

This command removes all passwords and restrictions from all files and folders that you might have previously set up. Use this command if you want to start setting up the protection from scratch, as if Folder Guard was just installed.


Use this command to adjust the settings of Folder Guard by displaying the Folder Guard Settings screen.

Master Password

Use this command to change the Master Password of Folder Guard.

Deactivate and Exit

Use this command if you want to disable Folder Guard without uninstalling it. This command stops the folder protection, and also prevents Folder Guard from resuming the protection automatically when you restart the computer. If also disables the hot key and the notification icon of Folder Guard, if you have previously enabled them. If later on you decide to enable the folder protection again, run Folder Guard and use the Resume Protection command described above.


This command prompts you to resume (or continue) the folder protection, and then exits Folder Guard.

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