AB Commander offers the following keyboard shortcuts that you can use instead of choosing the commands from the menus:
To | Press |
Open Help for AB Commander | F1 |
Open the selected folder or file | Enter |
Run the selected program as administrator (Windows 8/7/Vista only) | Ctrl+Shift+Enter |
Navigate to the parent folder | Backspace |
Navigate to the root folder of the current drive | Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+\ |
Navigate to the Computer folder | Alt+Shift+Backspace |
Navigate to the Desktop folder | Shift+Backspace |
Match the panel with the opposite one | Alt+ = |
Go to the previous folder | Alt+Left Arrow |
Go to the next folder | Alt+Right Arrow |
Display the previous folders list | Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Display the next folders list | Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Display the Favorites list | Ctrl+O |
Add to Favorites | Shift+F |
Display the History list | Ctrl+H |
Display the prompt for the folder to go to | Ctrl+G |
Enter a folder to jump to in the title | Ctrl+J, Alt+D |
Display the drive menu | Ctrl+D |
Display the drive menu for the first panel | Alt+F1 |
Display the drive menu for the second panel | Alt+F2 |
Display the Network menu | Ctrl+W |
Display the Network menu for the first panel | Ctrl+F1 |
Display the Network menu for the second panel | Ctrl+F2 |
Open selected folder in a New Tab | Ctrl+T |
Duplicate current Tab | Ctrl+Alt+T |
Close the current Tab | Ctrl+F4 |
Switch to the Next Tab | Ctrl+~ |
Switch to the Previous Tab | Ctrl+Shift+~ |
Load tabs | Ctrl+B |
Save tabs | Ctrl+Alt+B |
Open the preferred Quick Editor | Ctrl+Q |
Open the alternative Quick Editor | Ctrl+Shift+Q |
Open the internal Quick Editor in a new window | Ctrl+Alt+Q |
Open the preferred Quick Viewer | Ctrl+I |
Open the alternative Quick Viewer | Ctrl+Shift+I |
Open the preferred Quick Finder | Ctrl+F |
Open the alternative Quick Finder | Ctrl+Shift+F |
Open the preferred Quick Finder | Ctrl+F |
Open the Find Files window | Ctrl+Alt+F |
Open the alternative file comparer | Ctrl+Shift+E |
Open the preferred folder comparer | Shift+O |
Open the alternative folder comparer | Ctrl+Shift+O |
Open the preferred synchronizer | Shift+Z |
Open the alternative synchronizer | Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Create a new folder | Ctrl+N |
Create a new junction point | Shift+J |
Open the Resize Images window | Ctrl+Alt+I |
Copy files and/or folders | Shift+C |
Move files and/or folders | Shift+M |
Rename files and/or folders | Shift+R |
Delete files and/or folders | Shift+D |
Display the Delete window | Ctrl+Shift+D, Ctrl+Shift+Delete |
Create a printable or importable list of objects | Shift+L |
Copy List to Clipboard | Ctrl+Shift+ L |
Copy Name to Clipboard | Ctrl+Shift+N |
Copy Path to Clipboard | Ctrl+Shift+P |
Copy Path (UNIX-style) to Clipboard | Shift+Alt+P |
Copy Name Alias to Clipboard | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N |
Copy Path Alias to Clipboard | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P |
Select files and/or folders by a mask | Shift+S |
Invert selection | Shift+I |
Select focused item only | Ctrl+Y |
Select all items of the active folder | Ctrl+A |
Deselect all objects of the active folder | Esc |
Switch to/from the command prompt | Shift+Esc |
Clear the command prompt | Ctrl+Del |
Insert the file name into the command prompt | Ctrl+Ins |
Insert the full path into the command prompt | Shift+Ins |
Insert the full path (UNIX-style) into the command prompt | Alt+Ins |
Insert the 8.3 name into the command prompt | Ctrl+Alt+Ins |
Insert the 8.3 path into the command prompt | Shift+Alt+Ins |
Undo last insert into the command prompt | Alt+Del |
Open the Options dialog | Ctrl+P |
Switch to/from the full-screen mode | Ctrl+S |
Maximize/restore the main window | Ctrl+M |
Reduce the main window to a taskbar icon | Ctrl+Break |
Refresh main window and both panels | F5 |
Store columns | Ctrl+Alt+U |
Restore columns | Ctrl+U |
Set filter for the active panel | Ctrl+L |
Remove filter from the active panel | Ctrl+Alt+L |
Maximize/split the active panel | Ctrl+Alt+M |
Split the panels horizontally | Ctrl+Alt+H |
Split the panels vertically | Ctrl+Alt+V |
Swap the panels | Ctrl+Alt+P |
Refresh the active panel | Ctrl+R |
Activate the passive panel | Tab |
Activate the folder bar | Shift+Tab |
Activate the next window | Ctrl+Tab |
Activate the previous window | Ctrl+Shift+Tab |
Cut selected objects to the Clipboard | Ctrl+X |
Copy selected objects to the Clipboard | Ctrl+C |
Paste objects from the Clipboard | Ctrl+V |
Exit AB Commander | Alt+F4 |
Exit, minimize, or iconize AB Commander
(depending on the selected option) | Ctrl+WINDOWS |
If the Use Norton Commander keys option is selected, then the following keyboard shortcuts may also be used. Note that some of them override the shortcuts listed above.
To | Press |
Run the Quick Editor | F4 |
Copy files and/or folders | F5 |
Move files and/or folders | F6 |
Create a new folder | F7 |
Delete files and/or folders | F8 |
Exit AB Commander | F10 |
Display the drive menu for the first panel | Alt+F1 |
Display the drive menu for the second panel | Alt+F2 |
Find files | Alt+F7 |
Display the History list | Alt+F8 |
Navigate to the root folder of the current drive | Ctrl+\ |