AB Commander provides a wide range of commands to make you able to manage your files and folders easily and effectively:

Use the commands of the Folder menu to browse the folders, and see the contents of the folders in the panels. Remember that each panel may display different folder, so that, for example, you can visually compare the contents of two different folders.

Use the commands of the Command menu to copy, move, delete, etc. files and folders displayed in the panels. The files selected in the active panel usually become the source of the operation, and the folder displayed in the passive panel serves as the destination. For example, if you want to copy some files from one folder to another, you would simply display the destination folder in the passive panel, and select the files you want to copy in the active panel. Then, when you choose the Copy command, it would already be set up to copy the files between the folders you want.

Some of the file operations (such as Rename, Copy, Move, or Delete to the Recycle Bin) can be reversed using the Undo command. However, not all operations are reversible. For example, if you delete a file directly or use the Wipe the content option which deleting a file, the Undo command cannot restore the deleted file. Note also, that if you use Windows Vista, Windows 7, or later version of Windows, the Undo information is shared between AB Commander, Windows Explorer, and other file management tools that are integrated with Windows shell. This means that you can use the Undo command of AB Commander to reverse an operation performed with Windows Explorer and vice versa. (Sometimes this may cause confusion or an undesired effect!)

Use the commands of the Prompt menu to insert the file names into the command prompt of AB Commander. You can also type the commands into the command prompt directly.

Use the commands of the View menu to customize the appearance of AB Commander to suit your needs. You can, for example, change the font size used to display file listings, colors, show or hide the toolbar, etc.

Use the commands of the Tools menu to perform such commands as Quick Edit: simply select the file which contents you want to see, and choose this command to open it with the Quick Editor.

Use the commands of the Panel menu to customize the appearance of the file panels. You can also use the Set Filter command to limit the set of objects displayed in the panels according to various rules.

Finally, the commands of the Help menu let you display the User's Guide for AB Commander, enter you license key into the program, visit the technical support area at our web site, and so on.

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