Version 25.1 (January 3, 2025)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- A new option Delete files by moving them to Recycle Bin has been added to the Advanced Synchronize Options screen.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 24.7 (July 1, 2024)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- A new command Edit label has been added to the context menu of the tabs.
- A new option Use full path/Use folder name only has been added to the Options for tabs screen.
- You can now use the Save tabs and Load tabs commands on the Panel menu to save the current set of tabs of the active panel into a file and later load the saved tabs from the file into the active panel.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 24.5 (May 11, 2024)
This update offers several minor adjustments to improve stability.
Version 24.2.2 (February 2, 2024)
This update corrects a problem that in some situations prevented text selection inside of the Jump box.
Version 24.2 (February 1, 2024)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- A new command Refresh AB Commander has been added to the Tools menu.
- A problem has been corrected that in some situations prevented shortcuts to folders not being followed by AB Commander;
- A problem has been corrected that in some situations caused the status bar of the Quick Editor window not to update properly;
- The functionality of the Jump box has been improved;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 24.1 (January 17, 2024)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- The option Enable Dark Mode support has been added;
- The option Use grey backround for non-primary columns has been added;
- The options Use with files and Use with folders have been added to the properties of the custom launchers;
- A problem has been corrected that in some situations prevented the current folders to be selected in the folder bars on start of AB Commander;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 23.11.4 (November 16, 2023)
This update corrects a problem that in some situations caused the error The destination drive is write-protected when coping or synchronizing files with AB Commander.
Version 23.11.2 (November 11, 2023)
This update corrects a problem that in some situations caused the error Cannot create folder to uncompress files when starting the installation of AB Commander.
Version 23.11 (November 5, 2023)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- The Copy path to clipboard command has been added to the right-click menus of the links shown on the title bars of the file panels;
- The Copy path of location command now works for empty folders or when nothing is selected in a folder;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 23.8 (August 23, 2023)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- A new option Show active panel number in title bar has been added to the Options screen.
- The Remove filter button has been added to the available toolbar buttons;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 23.7 (July 1, 2023)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- Improved handling of files and folders with paths exceeding 259 characters;
- A new option Use Favorites labels for tabs has been added to the Options for Tabs screen. If you have set up a label for a favorite folder, this option makes the tab use that label instead of the path to the folder.
- The Tools menu has been updated with the Windows tools submenu offering links to several tools provided by Windows, such as Control Panel and Registry Editor;
- The Path to location command has been added to the Copy to clipboard menu, that copies the path of the parent folder of the selected item;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 23.4 (April 6, 2023)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- A new option has been added, Sort the Most Recently Visited Folders lists chronologically;
- When searching for text within text files using Quick Editor, it's now possible to specify special characters, such as new line or tab;
- The context menu for the search results of the Find Text and Find Files commands now includes commands to opens the files, display their properties, etc.
- The Resize command has been added to the View menu that you can use to precisely control the dimensions of the main AB Commander window.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 23.1 (January 21, 2023)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- You can choose what happens when you click with the scroll wheel of the mouse on different parts of the user interface, or disable the scroll wheel clicks altogether, if they get in the way of your normal workflow;
- You can now add the Undo button to the toolbars of AB Commander for quicker access to the Undo command;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 22.12 (December 12, 2022)
This update offers several minor improvements and corrections.
Version 22.10 (October 24, 2022)
The digital signatures of the executable files have been updated according to the latest security requirements of Windows 11 and Windows 10.
Version 22.9 (September 20, 2022)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- A new command added to the internal Quick Editor that lets you reload the file contents in case the file was mofidied externally;
- The internal Quick Editor now detects when the file has been modified externally and prompts you to reload the file to keep it in sync with the latest updates;
- You can now open the same text file in a new internal Quick Editor window by selecting the file in AB Commander pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Q keys;
- A problem has been corrected that caused only one selected file to be launched from AB Commander even if more than one file were selected;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 22.1 (January 3, 2022)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- A new option has been added, Confirm when changing from the Details view, which you might find useful for preventing accidental changes of the view of the file panels;
- A problem has been corrected that caused an error message displayed on Windows 11 when right-clicking on a file and selecting the Open with... command from the shortcut menu;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 21.12 (December 7, 2021)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- Right-clicking on the This PC button in the AB Commander toolbar now opens the built-in context menu for the This PC folder;
- When switching to a tab that was displaing a folder that has been deleted, you are now prompted to close the tab;
- The option to show the UNC paths for the network drives is now used for other parts of the user interface, not just for the title bar of AB Commander;
- You can now use the Page Down and Page Up keys to cycle though the open tabs;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 21.10 (October 1, 2021)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- AB Commander now supports custom launchers;
- A new option added for the internal Quick Editor that lets you use the Esc key to deselect text;
- Improved support for the ARM 64-bit processor architecture;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 21.6 (June 27, 2021)
This update corrects a problem that in several situations prevented opening some virtual folders within AB Commander.
Version 21.3.1 (March 12, 2021)
This update corrects a problem introduced in the previous update that prevented opening the Zip archives within AB Commander.
Version 21.3 (March 1, 2021)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as
- Native support for the ARM 64-bit processor architecture;
- New commands for the tabs: Open in New Tab in opposite panel, Move Tab to opposite panel, etc.
- The free space indicator is now showing the available space for the network folders, in addition to the local drives;
- A new option to find folders (in addition to files) on the Find Files screen;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 20.9 (September 24, 2020)
This is a maintenance update that offers several minor improvements and corrections.
Version 20.8 (August 1, 2020)
This is a maintenance update that offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- Several options for the Synchronize command have been moved to a separate Advanced screen;
- A new option, Update empty files, has been added to the Synchronize command, accessible via the Advanced button;
- The relative positions of the toolbars and drive bars can now be changed: instead of using the drag-and-drop, the Layout submenu has been added to the right-click menu of the toolbars and drive bars;
- The result of the middle-click with the mouse has been tweaked: clicking on an empty space of the passive panel with the middle button now activates the panel, while middle-clicking on an empty space within the active panel now navigates to the parent folder;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 20.6 (June 1, 2020)
This update offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- A new command, Linux, that serves as a shortcut to the root folder of the Linux file system, has been added to the Folder menu;
- A new option has been added to Quick Editor that allows changing the tab stop positions within the text;
- The Tab key can now be used within Quick Editor to change the indentation of the selected text, including multiple line selections;
- A new command, Copy to clipboard - Path (UNIX-style), has been added to the Command menu;
- A new command, Insert Path (UNIX-style), has been added to the Prompt menu;
- A problem has been corrected that caused AB Commander to become non-responsive when navigating to a subfolder within a Zip folder;
- The middle mouse button can now be used to select items instead of opening them when the Single click activation option is in effect;
- The middle mouse button can now be used to invoke the Go to Parent folder command when clicking on the panel toolbars, drive bars, title bars, or within an empty space of a file panel;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 20.5 (May 8, 2020)
This is a maintenance update that offers several improvements and corrections, such as:
- A new command, Select focused item only, has been added to the Command menu, and also to the context menu of AB Commander;
- A new option, Middle click should open a new tab, has been added that allow you to change the way AB Commander reacts when you use the middle button of the mouse;
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 20.2 (February 15, 2020)
This update introduces a new option, Isolate shell extensions in a separate process, that is designed to mitigate problems caused by some third-party shell extensions that add commands to the shortcut menu invoked by right clicking on a file or a folder within AB Commander. Using a separate process to load such shell extensions greatly reduces the chance of a conflict between certain shell extensions and AB Commander.
Version 20.1.1 (January 21, 2020)
This is a minor update that corrects an error introduced in v.20.1 that prevented the This PC folder from displaying the sizes of the disk drives by default.
Version 20.1 (January 12, 2020)
This is a maintenance update that offers several minor improvements and corrections, such as:
- The Add to Favorites command now shows the path of the folder to be added to the Favorites list;
- Right-clicking on a link in the title bar of a file panel now shows the standard context menu for the folder, including the Navigate to... command;
- The Quick Find and Find Files commands can now operate on the real folders located under virtual parent folders (such as Libraries);
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 19.8 (August 27, 2019)
- The Quick Find and Find Files commands can now search within virtual folders.
- New options have been added to the Find Files command to allow limiting the search results by the last modification date of the files.
- A problem has been corrected that in some situation prevented Windows from shutting down if AB Commander was running at the time the shutdown command was issued.
- The toolbars and drive bars of the user interface are now aligned automatically, without the need for you to drag them around with the mouse to position correctly.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 19.7 (July 30, 2019)
- Added an option to draw the path in the panel title bars using the "bold" typeface. You can access this option by right-clicking on a panel title bar and selecting Options from the menu.
- Added the option Ignore the "Group By" settings for all folders to the Options for panels screen. You may want to select this option if you don't like the way Windows groups items in some folders (such as This PC or Downloads.)
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 19.1.1 (February 3, 2019)
- This is a minor update that corrects a problem that prevented the List command from working properly in some situations.
Version 19.1 (January 27, 2019)
- Enabled the per-monitor DPI awarness of AB Commander, to make it better adjust to different display resolutions when it is used on a multi-monitor system.
- Added the Options for tabs screen to make it possible to adjust some settings related to the tabs.
- Added the ability to lock the tabs to force the navigation within such tabs to specific folders and their subfolders only.
- Added the Undo Close Tab/Undo Close others commands to the tab context menu, to allow for a quick restoration of an accidentally closed tab/tabs.
- Added the Clear all history command to the View menu that erases all history waimtained by AB Commander. Also updated the Clear all history on exit option.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 18.8 (August 15, 2018)
- More options added for handling the pressing of the Delete key: you can now choose between letting Windows handle it, deleting the selected files to Recycle Bin without displaying a prompt, or always displaying the Delete screen.
- A problem has been fixed that in some situations caused a crash of AB Commander when it encountered files with paths longer than 260 characters.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 17.11 (November 1, 2017)
- Several improvements have been made to mitigate the 'blank file list' problem that was introduced in Windows 10 Creators Update.
- A new option has been added to allow you change the automatic selection of the next item after the 'delete' or 'move' operations.
- The Find files command now searches for the names of folders, in addition to the names of files.
- The Synchronize command now creates empty subfolders in the destination folder, if they exist in the source folder..
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 17.1 (January 14, 2017)
- The version numbering has been changed to the "Ubuntu" style. So, for example, version 17.1 means it was released in January of 2017.
- The Go to folder command can now navigate to the folder that holds the Windows Spotlight images.
- The Resize images command now lets you select one of three resizing methods: fast, bilinear, or bicubic.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 9.8.2 (October 17, 2016)
- A problem in the Synchronize command has been corrected, that caused the include/exclude filters not to apply in certain situations.
- A custom font set with the View - Font command now applies to the Folder bar, as well.
- A custom color set with the View - Background color command now applies to the primary (sort) columns of the file panels, as well.
Version 9.8.1 (August 29, 2016)
- If some files are selected to be deleted as a result of the Synchronize command, they are no longer moved to the Recycle Bin, they are deleted directly now.
- Several improvements to the Synchronize command have been made to reduce the number of confirmation messages displayed in certain situations.
Version 9.8 (August 10, 2016)
- The Synchronize preview screen now shows the sizes of the files and folders to be synchronized.
- The Synchronize command now automatically excludes the Recycle Bin folder from the synchronization.
- A new option has been added to the Synchronize command: Respond with Yes or Continue to any confirmation message.
- The Rename command now offers to overwrite an existing file, in case of a file naming conflict, rather than offer a different name to rename to.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 9.7 (June 11, 2016)
- A new option has been added: Copy "Created" time when copying or synchronizing files.
- The Options window has been rearranged and simplified.
- The Create shortcut command has been added to the custom drag-and-drop context menu.
- If the Stamp command is about to change the time stamps of more than one file or folder, a message is now displayed asking the user to confirm the operation.
- A problem has been corrected that sometimes caused AB Commander to navigate to the root folder of a network drive after opening a document from a subfolder on that drive.
- A problem has been corrected that sometimes caused AB Commander to crash if the Quick Find operation was canceled by the user while the search was in progress.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 9.6 (August 7, 2015)
- AB Commander is now officially certified by Microsoft as software compatible with Windows 10.
- A new command has been added to the Tools menu: Find Files.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 9.5.1 (January 25, 2015)
This is a maintenance release that offers a number of fixes and improvements
- A problem has been fixed that sometimes caused AB Commander to crash after deleting and wiping a folder that contained several large files.
- A problem has beed fixed that prevented some RLE-encoded BMP files from being displayed by the Quick Viewer correctly.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 9.5 (November 10, 2014)
- The Quick Editor can now open and display files from some virtual folders, such as the Zip archives and virtual storage devices.
- After using the New Folder command, the current folder is no longer refreshed automatically. This change makes the behavior consistent with Windows Explorer and prevents the unnecessary scrolling in the Folder bar after the new folder has been created.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 9.4 (April 2, 2014)
- You can now safely remove the removable drives as well as eject the CD/DVD discs directly from the drive bar by right-clicking on the drive icon and selecting the Eject command, if it is present on the shortcut menu.
- More adjustments for the high-DPI display settings have been made.
- A problem has been corrected that prevented the Synchronize command from completing properly in some situations.
- A problem has been corrected that prevented the internal Quick Viewer from displaying some rotated images properly.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 9.3 (March 12, 2014)
- The Synchronize command has been updated: it now offers more options, including the ability to include or exclude files and/folders by masks, an option to restore the older versions of files, as well as an option to synchronize files that have the same last modification time but different sizes.
- A new option that simplifies the use of the Delete command: if AB Commander determines that a file can be deleted by moving it into Recycle Bin, it does that without asking for a confirmation of the operation. (And if you have deleted the file by accident, you can restore it from the Recycle Bin, or by using the Undo command of AB Commander.)
- A new tool, Resize Images, has been added to the Tools menu, that you can use to automate some frequently requested operations on a large number of images, such as to produce a smaller size versions of the images and/or to re-encode the images according to their Exif rotation tags.
- The internal Viewer has been updated to display the large images faster. It now also offers a command to save the rotated images in place, and an option to display the images rotated according to their Exif orientation tags.
- An option has been added that you can use to switch between the "new" flat buttons on the toolbars and their "old" non-flat versions.
- The user interface of AB Commander is updated to better adjust to the non-standard DPI display settings.
- A problem has been corrected that caused the columns of the file panels to grow very wide in some situations.
- A problem has been corrected that caused the Quick Finder not to return the correct results if the "Find text" box included the "less than" character.
- A problem has been corrected that sometimes caused a crash after adding certain folders to the Favorites list.
- A problem has been corrected that sometimes caused the single selection mode to be enabled within AB Commander by Windows after using an application that used the common Open/Save As dialogs in the single-selection mode.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 9.0 (August 20, 2013)
- The Synchronize command has been updated: it now offers more synchronization options, new preview window, early error detection, the opportunity to retry the errors, and more.
- More external tools are now supported: you can now set up an external synchronizer, as well as the external file and folder comparer applications, in addition to the external Editor, Viewer, and Finder applications that were supported in the previous versions.
- The internal Viewer updated to offer a better navigation in the full-screen mode.
- If your computer runs Windows 8, 7, Vista (or later), you can now use AB Commander to create the junctions points.
- The user interface is updated to follow the flat design style.
- Several minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 8.5.1 (November 23, 2012)
- Several minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 8.5 (October 11, 2012)
- Several improvements for the tabbed browsing: the Duplicate Current Tab command, the tooltips that show the full path, and more.
- A new option: "Invoke Go to Parent folder when double-clicking on empty space".
- The horizontal scroll bars now automatically appear or disappear as needed on the Folder bars.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 8.4 (May 14, 2012)
- The internal Quick Finder has been added that you can use to search for text fragments in the text files.
- A new option to set up the preferred Quick Finder.
- An option to set up an external Quick Finder application other than Windows Search.
- When the command prompt window is started "as Administrator", it now starts in the active folder rather than in the Windows system folder.
- The active folders are now restored if Windows was shut down while AB Commander was running.
- If the Delete key was used to delete a file, the next file in the list is now automatically selected.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 8.3 (June 1, 2011)
- The Rename and Delete commands are now faster and handle the selection of the files better.
- A new option Show Re-establishing/Closing Connections messages has been implemented.
- Better handling of some unusual situations that previously might have caused AB Commander to crash.
- Several minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 8.2 (March 17, 2011)
- A problem has been corrected that prevented the Synchronize command from working properly in some situations.
- You can now hide and unhide folders in the list of the Go to folder window.
Version 8.1 (February 12, 2011)
- An option for the internal Quick Editor has been added that allows you to enable or disable the warning message displayed when you attempt to open a write-protected file with the internal Quick Editor.
- When you sort files by clicking on the columns in the file panels, AB Commander no longer scrolls to the previously selected item.
- A problem has been corrected that caused AB Commander to navigate to the parent folder when changing to the Details view.
Version 8.0 (January 2, 2011)
- The Tabbed browsing option has been added. You can use the middle button of the mouse to quickly open and close the tabs, to have your favorite folders readily available for browsing. Of course, if you don't like the tabs, you can turn them off by using the commands on the View - Tabs menu.
- You can now set up an external file viewer of your choice to use with the file types not supported by the internal image viewer of AB Commander.
- Several minor improvements and corrections have been made.
The first version of this software was released on April 23, 1998, under the name Singularity.
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