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Welcome to Folder Guard User's Guide
Legal notices
What's new in this version
System requirements
How to install Folder Guard
How to uninstall Folder Guard
Free evaluation vs. Continued use
How to purchase a license for continued use
Free upgrades for one year!
Getting customer support
Understanding Folder Guard
Before you begin...
Folder Guard basics
How Folder Guard works
The Master Password
The main window
The Locked view
The Restricted view
The Folders view
The Filters view
The Trusted view
The Blocked view
The Options view
The notification icon
Using Folder Guard
Protecting folders with passwords
Properties of the folder passwords
Protecting shared folders with passwords
Protecting access to network drives and folders
Protecting folders on removable drives
Hiding and restricting access to folders
Protecting files and programs
Blocking programs from starting
Working with the ghost folders or files
Temporary passwords
Using the filters
Using the file system events log
User-specific restrictions
Designating the Trusted Users
Designating the Trusted Programs
Protecting files in the safe mode of Windows
Operating Folder Guard in the stealth mode
To protect or not to protect?
Giving your computer bullet-proof protection
Emergency Recovery Utility
Using Folder Guard Administrator's Kit
Creating a Folder Guard GPO
Configuring the GPO to install Folder Guard on the network
Configuring the GPO to enforce Folder Guard settings on the network
Linking the Folder Guard GPO
Pausing the protection on the network
Configuring the GPO to uninstall Folder Guard from the network
Troubleshooting issues with the GPO configurations
Protect menu
Lock menu
Restrict menu
Filter menu
View menu
Tools menu
Help menu
User bar menu
Context menu
Command line switches
Add/remove users
Add folder or file
Go to Special Folder
Copy All Restrictions
Filter Properties
Keep it or Skip it
Options for file system events log
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Frequently Asked Questions
I've lost Folder Guard password. What should I do?
What are the differences between the Home and Professional licenses?
How do I enter the license Key?
Can I use the same license key to install Folder Guard on several computers?
How do I transfer Folder Guard to another computer?
What happens when the evaluation period expires?
Will I lose my files if Folder Guard crashes?
Can someone disable Folder Guard by ending its process?
Will Folder Guard encrypt my files?
Can someone remove the protected hard drive and attach it to another computer?
Can I see the log of events such as locking/unlocking folders, etc.?
Folder Guard cannot load its driver. What should I do?
I've reinstalled Windows and cannot access my protected folders. What should I do?
Can I protect my MP3 collection with Folder Guard?
Can I protect the virtual folders such as This PC or My Computer?
Can I protect the cloud folders such as OneDrive or Dropbox?
Can I password-protect the shared folders?
How do I protect icons on my Desktop?
How do I protect my Start Menu?
How do I protect Control Panel of Windows?
Why does Search show the protected files?
Can I protect folders on removable drives, such as USB flash drives and others?
What if my computer can boot more than one operating system?
Will my anti-virus program protect files in the restricted or hidden folders?
Will my backup program back up the files located in the protected folders?
May I give a copy of Folder Guard software to a friend?
How can I get a printed version of this guide?
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WinAbility® Software Corporation
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